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First Timers' Edition. A 26 page all-in-one travel guide to Calabria, Sicily, Rome, and Tuscany

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    “Courtney has created a wonderfully in-depth guide to Italy. This isn't from a tourist's point of view but a local's perspective that will give you a deeper experience to this amazing country.”

    Su Guillory

    Writer, Business Coach

    What you get:

    A 26 page all-in-one free travel guide complete with recommendations relating to four regions in Italy.

    What is it all about?

    If you've never traveled to Italy and feel overwhelmed with where to start then our First Timers' Travel Guide is for you! Discover what coastline to visit in Calabria. Where to start first in Sicily. How to travel and stay in Rome. Public transportation pros and cons in Tuscany. Recommendations for hotels, restaurants, how to book, and so much more!